Powder Coat

100% Opening Advantage, Non-Scratch UV-stabilised powder coat.

Testing & Compliance

Window restriction compliant. Tested to meet AS4420 test methods & passes AS2047.

6 Year Warranty

Highest performing standard Louvre product in Australia with a 6 year warranty.

Commercial Installs

Offset clips allow clearance of screens when installed in commercial main frame.

Product Details

You can customise your 102mm Series Ventus Louvre to better suit the architectural style and requirements.

Ordering and installation into new constructions or retrofit with renovations is easy.

Powder Coat Colours

Powder coat colour matches the channel, handle and blade clips altogether in these colours:

  • Satin Black
  • Pearl White
  • Silver
  • Monument
  • Surfmist
  • Clear Anodised
  • Custom (Available on request)

Control Methods

  • Low Profile
  • Ring Pull Control
  • Auto Louvres

Component Materials

  • Aluminium
  • UV stabilised molded polymer
  • Stainless steel


Every Ventus Louvre Gallery can be customised for each window opening it will be installed into and delivered to best suit your installation requirements.

LOW PROFILE HANDLE Providing a less conspicuous design, the Low Profile is best suited to smaller galleries that require less closing pressure to operate.

RING PULL HANDLE The perfect choice for the high and hard to reach galleries, Ring Pull can be operated by hand or an extension pole.

AUTO LOUVRES Connected easily with 24V DC Plug & Play

Satin Black *excludes glass

Pearl White *excludes glass

Silver *excludes glass

Monument *excludes glass

Surfmist *excludes glass

Clear Anodised *channel only, excludes glass, trim, clips and handle

Custom Request *excludes glass

Restriction Dedicated permanent restrictor caps are installed

Louvre Loc™ Lets you close then lock the louvres for security and peace of mind.

Louvre Gallery Charts


Have questions? Visit our FAQ for answers to commonly asked questions.

For brochures and information documents download from our product resources.

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